Important Information Pertaining to Your DOT Sidewalk Violation Notice

Being served a sidewalk violation notice from the NYC DOT isn't anything to get too worried about if you can tackle this situation with the proper knowledge. Read on to learn all you need to know in the event of a DOT violation notice:
You Don't Have to Pay a Fine As Long As You Get the Work Done on Time
When you get an official notice that your sidewalk is defective in some way or another, you may think this means you owe the city a hefty fine. However, that isn't so. You have a window of time to get your sidewalk back up to code so that you can avoid any fines.
The Work Outlined in Your Notice Must Be Done within 75 Days
Some more good news is that your window of time to handle the repair work is actually quite generous. You have 75 days to comply with the DOT's violation notice, and that should be plenty of time to find the most effective and lowest-cost way to get your sidewalk repaired.
After 75 Days, the DOT Will Handle the Work at Your Expense
If you fail to get a DOT violation repair handled in your 75-day allotted time frame, the DOT will handle that work for you—and bill you for it. If you're looking to get the issue resolved for the lowest cost, waiting to let the DOT handle the work will be your worst recourse.
When the Work Is Done, Call 311 for a Dismissal Inspection
So, your best bet will be to leave that work in the hands of a private contractor who will get the work done for far less than the city will bill you for. Once you have the repair work handled, you'll need to call 311 for a dismissal inspection. Be sure to have the following information ready when calling this number:
- The permit number
- The property address
- The block and lot number
- The violation number
The DOT Offers Expedited Repairs to Bypass the Inspection Process
If you simply don't have the time or desire to handle all of these steps, you can get right to the end of the matter with the DOT's expedited repair process. This process will get the work handled for you and forgo the need to call 311 after the work has been completed. All you need to do is foot the bill.